Silver Lining
To be honest, I have been struggling quite a bit with every aspect of life. At night, before bed, I always look through old photos on my phone, that I had taken with friends. Back when my photo album was colorful. I see all of my friends. Some funny pictures, some pictures we tried really hard to look good in, and the pictures you just lean over and take. I miss the days when I could just ride my bike over to their house, or when I could take a walk around the block with someone, or go on a mile run with a small group, or even when people would just come over and surprise me at my house. I miss going to pick up some friends, rolling down the windows, and blasting our music while scream singing to the city. Each photo I look at has a story, and I am reminded of that story. I sit and smile at my phone. I get lost in those pictures. I think about what happened in those moments. Written in March 2021